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At Thurner Photography we are committed to excellence in every aspect of production.  We work diligently to secure every detail while providing the support team you need at every stage of your project. We believe it is critical to curate a crew of experienced, creative and skilled artists who are at the top of their field.  We believe that every member of the production team is equally important.  While we take each project seriously, it is always our goal to generate a relaxed environment on each job because we want your experience to be both creative and fun.  We can build our production team to suit your project needs or budget.  We have a diverse pool of skilled artists and technicians who fill the following roles:


Photographic Assistant

A critical role on any shoot, this person is the photographer’s third arm.  They assist in getting the shoot ready by arranging lighting and backgrounds and making sure everything is working properly.  They collaborate with the photographer in preparation for the shoot and selection of lenses and equipment.  The role varies from shoot-to-shoot, however this person is the photographer’s primary set support for pre-production, during the shoot and post-production.



Digital Tech

The digital tech essentially brings the lab in-house. With expertise in digital workflow, they maintain as-you-go backups and make sure when the button is pushed the image is captured and stored in an organized manner.  It is their responsibility to make sure the technology runs smoothly.  Serving as an extra set of eyes for the photographer they also advise on exposure, focus and needed set adjustments.  


Hair and Makeup

This team member has a huge amount to consider.  They will tailor their art according to the project and setting.  With a technical understanding of lighting and photography, they can make the correct artistic choices based on the style and mood of the shoot.  They also provide support on set to ensure the created look is consistent throughout the entire shoot.



These team members contribute to the overall look of the shoot using color and style to support the creative concept.  Whether simply selecting and preparing provided clothing or shopping for the shoot, they coordinate all aspects of the wardrobe, including shoes and accessories.  At times they can be responsible for light propping as well.  Adding set support to their role, they keep a keen eye for any aesthetic distractions regarding wardrobe, accessories or props.

Production Team

© Thurner Photography

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